1. How long is Cena going to be champ for?
Well into 2006
2. Is Stone Cold vs Hogan going to happen?
umm...most likly no
3. Who is the best candidate to replace Eric Bischoff?
Shane mcmahon
4. What can we execpt at wrestlemania 22?
Randy vs Batista, Cena vs HHH and thats all I know for know
5. What is your Favriote game realsed by wwe
Smackdown vs Raw 2006
6. Wich game Do you think will be more profitable TNA's or WWE?
7. What future adjustments can we see to your site?
High definoition pictures
8. Is John Cena going out with Jessica simpson in the near future
No Cena made a comment about it and even though he said he would like to(jokingly) i doubt that would ever happen.
9. Is Stephine Mcmahon coming back to the wwe soon Perminantly?
Probaly in the near future
10. Could the womens championship go to smackdown?
No but i do see it being defended on both shows.